After only a few days of school this guy is so independent. On day two he wanted to be dropped off curbside. Considering that he threw up all over his clothes about 30 minutes after getting dropped off the first day I would say he has some impressive self confidence. I saw that confidence again when I asked him, some time during the middle sof the week, what he did at school and he told me with the most sincerity "arts and crabs". Before I had a chance to find out how he defined that he asked me "what's arts and crabs?" Too funny! He knew he had done it even though he didn't really know what it was.
After a full week I feel like we all just started school. The excitement still has not worn off either. I take him to school and Mateo and the baby do a 14 mile round trip on the bike to pick him up and bring him home after school. In a quick run down of the week it began with throw up on day one, heart warming photos from his teacher of the same day, a pleasant surprise of photos on day 2, coffee with the director on friday and show and tell to end the week. For his first show and tell he shared a Dominican Republic hand made cigar box that he calls his treasure box. He keeps his planes and helicopters in this box and was super excited to show his teacher. What a great start to an educational career!
Joronda Montano

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